Thursday, September 11, 2008

I & my meditation

This kumar I & my meditation i am happy will doing meditation i know i what i want


Psychological Benefits
Increased brain wave coherence

Less depression.
Better emotional stability.
Greater creativity

Less anxiety.
Less irritability and moodiness.
Improved learning ability and memory.
Feeling of vitality and rejuvenation.
Increased happiness.

And The Physical Benefits
Anti-ageing Effects
Deep rest measured

Reduced work load of the heart
Decreased high blood pressure
Lowered levels of cortisol and lactate-two chemicals associated with stress
Reduction of free radicals
Improved air flow to the lungs, easier breathing

Higher skin resistance
Drop in cholesterol levels

What is Meditation ?

Meditation is a state of mind that makes us feel at peace and serene, it is a tool to help us wind down and chill out. At the beginning of meditation the thoughts are slowed down and eventually they stop all together, the height of meditation is called samadhi, Meditation puts you in touch with your inner self it makes you feel happy and helps you to think more clearly.

There are many different forms of meditation, such as yantra, mantra and chakra, they all use concentration technique

How Do You Meditate ?

Find a peaceful place inside or outside that where you wont be disturbed. You can sit on the floor or on a chair, A sitting posture rather than lying down because lying down could send you to sleep. If you are not a person who easily goes to sleep you can meditate in a reclining position on a sofa with the back of your head supported, the important thing is to keep the spine straight because energy flows up the spine, also avoid large dinners before meditation.

To meditate you need to focus on energy centers of the body, or concentrate on an image, chanting and breathing exercises are also used. You have to try different techniques to see what works for you, don't expect it to work first time meditation takes practice.

Chakara Meditation

This form of meditation involved concentration on the energy centers they are called chakras, these chakras are found along an invisible energy tube called sushumna which runs along side the spine and ends between the eyebrows called the third eye. There are seven chakra points found along the sushumna. The energy which flows along the sushumna is called Kundalini or chi, during meditation the energy is pulled up along the sushumna to the third eye. In advanced meditation when a large amount of energy is created in the third eye it is said to jump to the seventh chakra called the crown, when this happens it is called samadhi, once you can enter this state it leads to a state called enlightenment. Concentrate on each area for an equal amount of time and it might help you to place your fingers on the area of concentration.

Chakara Meditation Sequence

Start concentration on the third chakra, one inch below the navel- the center for strength and willpower.

Next go to the fourth chakra the heart, in the chest area-the center for balance and happiness.

Next move to the sixth chakra the third eye, the middle of the forehead between the eyebrows slightly above them- the center of wisdom and psychic seeing.

This is another form of meditation, it is using meditation in your everyday life. It is based on the Buddhist theory that whatever you focus on you become, for example if you focus on unhappy thoughts you will become unhappy and if you focus on happy thoughts you become happy. So the essence of mindfulness is to have happy positive thoughts 24/7, replace every negative thought with a positive one, its not easy but with practice it will become automatic and you will not be dragged down with every negative situation you encounter.

Concentrative meditation
Concentrative meditation focuses the attention on the breath, an image, or a sound or mantra, in order to still the mind and allow a greater awareness and clarity to emerge.
The simplest form of concentrative meditation is to sit quietly and focus the attention on the breath. Yoga and meditation practitioners believe that there is a direct correlation between the breath and state of the mind. When a person is anxious, frightened, angry ect the breath will often be shallow, rapid, and uneven. But when the mind is calm, focused, and composed, the breath will often be slow, deep, and regular.

As you focus your mind on breathing in and out slowly and deeply, your mind becomes absorbed in the rhythm of inhalation and exhalation. As a result, your breathing will become slower and deeper, and the mind becomes more tranquil.

Mantra Meditation

Mantra is chanting meditation, mantras are sacred words repeated during meditation. You can chant a mantra out loud or just think of it, each mantra phrase has a meaning, focus on the actual words of the mantra. A few mantra words are listed below.

MANTRAS ah-nam, shi-rim, see-tah, sat-yam, ra-ma hush, at-man, peace, sha-lom, at-ease

some of God & mediator's

first was Lord & perfect mediator was

He was creator and say to world about meditation and so many thing he was real Creator of the universe

Second was God & perfect mediator was

one of them was Christ

and so many
Do meditation and change as Christ

For detail contact

Cell 9190008168382(india)

Wednesday, September 10, 2008





Srikalahasti is one of the ancient holy places of our country. It is believed that many saints attained 'mukthi' (Salvation) at this unique and important Sivakshetra. The presiding deity of this punyakshetra is Srikalahastheeswara.

The Sivalinga of Srikalahasthi is one of the five supreme lingas representing the five great fundamental elements namely Fire, Water, Air, Sky and Earth. The lord appears here in his self-manifested form. Among the Panchabhuta lingas, Srikalahastheeswara is worshipped here as Vayulingeeswara. When all the lamps in the sanctum glow steadily, one can notice two lamps flickering now and then, proving the Lord's inhalation and exhalation

Srikalahastheeswara swamy temple is 40 kms away from Tirupati, situated on the Tirupati-Nellore Highway.

It is also known as 'Dakshina Kailasa' and 'Dakshina Kasi'. Amongst the most sacred Shivite temples, the temple of Srikalahastheeswara has a unique position. According to history, the temple was built during the Pallava and Chola period. The temple architecture is rich and splendid.

The name Srikalahasthi is a compound of three names.


Sri' meaning spider, 'Kala' meaning serpent and 'Hasti' means elephant.

They worshipped Lord Siva and attained salvation. It is stated that when the lord appeared before them and asked them to express their wish, they requested him that the place be named after them.

The most important Devote was

'Bhakta Kannappa'

The another Devote was 'Bhakta Kannappa' he give his Eye’s to Lord Siva and Changed his name as 'Bhakta Kannappa' before his name was “Tennan”

Lord is stated to have all the Navagrahas on it. Once upon a time a hunter worshipped the lord. It so happened that the Lord's eyes began to bleed profusely and the 'hunter-devotee' spontaneously plucked his own eyes with an arrow and placed them on the Linga. This act of absolute surrender and devotion, earned him the name - 'Bhakta Kannappa'.

The River we call as


The river Swarnamukhi which flows on the northern side of the temple adds to its beauty and sanctity. The presiding Goddess here is 'Sri Gnana Prasoonambika' - the flower of divine knowledge. Besides being a 'vara prasadini' (wish fulfiller) she is also 'gnana prasadini' (knowledge provider). On Fridays, the resplendent sight of the Divine Mother, when she is clad in 'Bangaru Pavada' (Golden Robe) permeates the heart of an ardent devotee and fully satisfies ones tender longings to behold the 'Lokamatha' (Mother of the world) within these mortal eyes.

This temple is famous for The


The other details of the TEMPLE are


Persons allowed




Sarva Darsanam


Rs. 2/-


Special Darsanam


Rs. 20/-




Rs. 500/-

Rs. 5000/-


Rahu-Ketu Sarpadosha

Nivarana Puja


Rs. 250/-


Rs. 500/-


(2 Lts milk should be brought)


Rs. 100/-

Rs. 1200/-


Pachakarpoora Abhishekam (Swamivaru)


Rs. 100/-

Rs. 1000/-




Rs. 25/-

Rs. 300/-


Sahasranama Archana (Swamivaru & Ammavaru)


Rs. 200/-

Rs. 2400/-


Trisati Archana
(Swamivaru & Ammavaru)


Rs. 125/-

Rs. 1300/-


Sri Saneeswara Swamy Abhishekam


Rs. 150/-

Rs. 1500/-


Panchamrita Abhishekam


Rs. 300/-

Rs. 3000/-


Pradosha Nandi Seva


Rs. 120/-

Rs. 1500/-


Sri Swami-Ammavarula Unjal Seva

Rs. 58/-

Rs. 1500/-


Nithya Kalyanotsavam (After second time Abhishekam)

Rs. 501/-

Rs. 5000/-


Asher Vachasa Darshanam

Rs. 500/-


Gopuja & Darshanam 5 am

Rs. 50/-


Rudhra Homam

Rs. 1116/-


Chandi Homam

Rs. 1116/-


Mruthymjaya Japam

Rs. 216/-


Mruthymjaya Abhishekam (Pooja articles by devotees)

Rs. 500/-


Vehicle Pooja

Two Wheelers

Rs. 50/-

Four Wheelers

Rs. 100/-


Special Rahu Kethu Pooja

Rs. 500/-

For Other detail please contact:

Executive Officer
Sri Kalahastheeswaraswamy Devasthanam,
Sri Kalahasthi
Ph: (08578) 222240, 221140 (O) 220230(R).
Fax: 222430.